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Our Services


Enterprise-Wide Risk Assessment (EWRA)

An overall risk assessment allows organizations to identify and appropriately manage the ML / FT and sanction risks to which they are exposed. By understanding the full scope of risks, organizations can implement robust AML/CTF measures to prevent illicit activities, ensure regulatory compliance, and protect their reputation. The assessment should be conducted by a team of experienced professionals with deep understanding of AML/CTF and sanctions risks. YOUR AML EXPERT will be the best choice for this task.


Development of AML/CTF internal control system

The development of an AML/CTF internal control system involves creating and implementing comprehensive procedures and processes within an organization. Its primary objectives are to prevent and detect money laundering activities and protect Your organization from high-risk customers and transactions. YOUR AML EXPERT can assist You in building an effective AML/CTF/CPF internal control system that aligns with the best practices and guidelines.


AML/CTF Policies and Procedures

At YOUR AML EXPERT, we understand the critical importance of a robust and compliant AML framework for businesses today. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping You establish effective and tailor-made KYC, CDD and EDD policies. Our assistance can be useful to You both in the initial development of policies and procedures and in updating them to meet the rapid changes in AML legislation.


Sanctions compliance

Sanction compliance extends immense significance for organizations across various industries. Organizations that disregard sanction restrictions may face legal penalties, reputational damage, and restrictions on their business operations. Protecting Your organization from such risks requires a comprehensive understanding of sanctions and diligent compliance measures, irrespective of your field of operation. Partner with YOUR AML EXPERT to provide you with cutting-edge solutions and expert guidance to navigate the complex world of sanction compliance. 


Compliance Dossier

The Know Your Customer policy has long been a legal requirement for all banks and financial institutions around the world. If You are interested in opening an account and long-term cooperation with financial institutions in Europe and beyond, having a comprehensive presentation of Your business in the form of a professionally prepared Compliance Dossier will be the key to success in working with banks, credit institutions and international companies with a solid reputation.


Outsourcing services

One of the leading outsourcing advantages is that it allows You as a business owner to focus on what matters most not to spend money for hiring, mentoring and supervising of full-time employee. Outsourcing gives You better flexibility based on demand. Using outsource specialist, You are paying only for result not for process. Our team will be able to accomplish Your targeted project with greater efficiency and bring a higher level of expertise and specialization.


Compliance Consulting services

Compliance consulting services ensure that your business remains legally compliant by following all essential legislation applicable to your business. This also allows companies to build a robust yet reputable public image to promote their business successfully. 


YOUR AML EXPERT ensures that Your business is operating legally and following all the relevant regulations.


Independent audit

An AML audit should be done on a regular basis to ensure that the company’s AML program is effective and up-to-date.

Conducting internal AML audits provides several benefits for businesses. Some of the key advantages include: Compliance Assurance, Risk Identification and Mitigation,   Enhanced Controls and Processes, Operational Efficiency, Improved Risk Management, Regulatory Compliance, Continuous Improvement.



AML Training

At YOUR AML EXPERT we take pride in offering a diverse range of training programs to cater to Your specific needs and ensure Your organization stays ahead in an ever-evolving regulatory landscape. Our comprehensive training options include: AML/CTF training, Sanctions Training, Crypto Compliance Training and Annual AML Training for employees. We believe that well-informed and trained personnel are the backbone of a successful compliance program.

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